Monday, May 25, 2009

week 4

I learned how to finally register for PBworks.  No matter what I tried, the registration page wouldn't let me get a sign in.  I finally used a different e-mail address, and I received a sign in.  I learned a little of how to manipulate code to put it into a web page.  I learned several new things about my gmail account that I had no idea about.  I will have to play a little more with my account.  I learned about synchronous and asynchronous types of web communication.  I think the synchronous communication has been the hardest for me to learn and figure out how to use in my class room.  I think the most helpful tool in teaching will be the internet, but I need to figure out how to incorporate everything I've learned.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


section 2, wk 2, Moon

My idea for an instructional video is to make a video that interacts and catches the students.  I will be doing my video on limiting reactants because this is a topic students sometimes have a harder time with.  I am hoping with the video to tie limiting reactants to the everyday life of the students.  Once they see that they make choices everyday that depend on limiting reactants, then limiting reactants won't be as scary.  
Limiting reactants involve the 4th and 5th standards on the UT core curriculum standards.  These may be looked at from the site: